Discover how KCC Bio Labs leads the way in toxicology research
Explore a world of safety assurance with KCC Bio Labs' cutting-edge toxicology services. From acute toxicity studies to sub-chronic assessments, we're your partners in product safety.

toxicology services

KCC Bio Labs: Your Trusted Partner for Comprehensive Toxicology Services

In the realm of chemical and pharmaceutical research, ensuring the safety of products and substances is of paramount importance. Toxicology studies play a pivotal role in evaluating the potential risks and hazards associated with various compounds. KCC Bio Labs, a leader in the field, stands as a beacon of excellence, providing a comprehensive array of Toxicology Services. Meticulously designed to assess the safety profiles of substances across various parameters, our Toxicology Services at KCC Bio Labs are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of safety and quality.
Toxicology Services

Table of Contents

Acute Toxicity Studies

Acute (All Routes of Administration)

KCC Bio Labs excels in conducting acute toxicity studies using a variety of administration routes, including oral, dermal, and inhalation exposure. These studies follow internationally recognized guidelines such as OECD 402, 420, 423, and 425, offering valuable insights into the immediate adverse effects of substances.

Skin Irritation / Sensitisation

Understanding how a substance interacts with the skin is crucial. KCC Bio Labs utilizes OECD 406 guidelines to evaluate skin irritation and sensitization potential, aiding in the identification of potential allergens or irritants.

Dermal Irritation / Corrosion

Determining whether a substance has the potential to cause irritation or corrosion upon skin contact is essential. OECD 404 guidelines are rigorously followed to assess dermal irritation and corrosion, contributing to the formulation of safe and skin-friendly products.

Eye Irritation

KCC Bio Labs employs OECD 405 guidelines to assess the potential of substances to cause eye irritation. This crucial evaluation helps in formulating products that minimize the risk of eye-related discomfort or injury.

Dose Range Finding Study (DRF) / Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD)

Understanding the appropriate dosage range for a substance is pivotal. KCC Bio Labs conducts Dose Range Finding Studies to determine the maximum tolerated dose of a substance, ensuring products are administered at safe and effective levels.

Sub-Acute Toxicity Studies

OECD 407 guidelines are employed by KCC Bio Labs to conduct sub-acute toxicity studies. These studies provide insights into the effects of repeated exposure to substances over a specific period, mimicking real-world scenarios and enabling the identification of potential long-term hazards.

Sub-Chronic Toxicity Studies

For a more extended exposure period, KCC Bio Labs follows OECD 408 and 409 guidelines to conduct sub-chronic toxicity studies. These investigations provide valuable data on the effects of prolonged substance exposure, aiding in risk assessment and regulatory compliance.


In a world where product safety is paramount, KCC Bio Labs emerges as a leader in toxicology services. Their commitment to adhering to international guidelines and conducting a wide range of studies ensures that consumer safety remains a top priority in product development.


Acute toxicity studies help identify immediate adverse effects of substances, aiding in risk assessment and product safety.
Sub-acute studies involve shorter exposure periods, while sub-chronic studies extend over a more extended period to assess prolonged effects.
Knowing the maximum tolerated dose ensures products are administered safely and effectively to users.
KCC Bio Labs strictly follows internationally recognized OECD guidelines, ensuring their studies align with regulatory standards.