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Guinea Pig / Dunkin Hartley

Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) are small rodents often used in scientific research, especially in studies related to immunology, infectious diseases, and certain aspects of human health. Guinea pigs have a number of traits that make them valuable for certain types of research, including their susceptibility to certain infections that don’t affect other rodents, and their relatively larger size compared to mice, allowing for easier handling and monitoring.

Dunkin Hartley Guinea Pig Strain

The Dunkin Hartley guinea pig strain is a specific strain within the guinea pig species. These guinea pigs are frequently used in audiology and ototoxicity research due to their sensitivity to certain drug-induced hearing loss and their well-characterized auditory system. Researchers use the Dunkin Hartley strain to study the effects of medications and compounds on hearing, as well as to understand the mechanisms of hearing impairment.